Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Into Reykjavik

Prior to departure, Icelandair representatives had explained that the Keflavik Airport was built on a lava field 40 minutes outside the city. We witnessed that evidence as we drove along the coastal highway – which like many Minnesota highways – was undergoing construction improvements.

an easy

As we entered the city,
housing became more
dense and automobile
traffic more visible.

Although, looking at
this gas station
advertisement for fuel,
we wondered: How?

This sign shows gas at
166.7 Icelandic kroner
per liter, which –
in the U.S. –
would be equivalent
to $7.57 gallon.

At last, we arrived at the central bus station with the FlyBus. From here, we would start our sight-seeing tour with the Hop-on/Hop-off Bus. At the station's information desk, we learned our first stop would be at The Pearl Restaurant (located in this photo, in the far distance, directly over the wandering driver's head).

Within an hour, we would depart Into Reykjavik for exploration.

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