Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I have a problem. I like to do things myself. It is difficult for me to ask others for help. Why? I don't want to be a bother.

That's one reason it took me two weeks to write Cousin Tora with the latest information on our trip. I thanked her the card she sent in April extending her generous arrangement for lodging, site-seeing and a family gathering during our visit. I answered her questions about us six ladies. I also explained details of our arrival in Trondheim. I included my host dad's appraisal of the rental vehicle situation, including the manual transmission.

I put down my pen and I prayed:

If this trip was reversed – so that I was waiting for incoming visitors – would I help? Of course, if I am able – was my reply.

Most people like to help. But if no one asks, those needs go unknown.

After a long meditation, I wrote on to Tora.

"That means we must practice driving a stick-shift car because such vehicles are not so common here in the USA. If there is someone who can help us with the driving, that would be suitable. But we'll take it all in stride."

I asked Tora's advice on whether we should wait two hours at the pier for the rental agency to open and come with the vehicle or if we could walk on a leisurely site-seeing tour to the station.

A huge burden lifted, as I signed, folded, addressed and mailed this envelope at the post office. Whatever, Tora's reply matters little compared to the giant step taken for me to ASK.

God has a plan!